To access this feature, you need to first check the box "hide votes" (follow the instructions on "How do I hide votes for People's Choice") on a pageant that has multiple age divisions. After you do this, you will see the end times against each age division.
Take the following steps to have this feature added to your People's Choice:
1. Login to your account and go to the dashboard. Make sure the "View your profile as" is set to "Pageant"
2. Click on the pageant with the active People's Choice that you want to set the time for.
3. You will see all the events for that Pageant. Select the event you want to set the time for:
4. Click on "People's Choice Awards" from the left sidebar:
5. That will open up the settings for that awards. You will see the tab to set different end times for different age Divisions, at the very bottom of the page.
6. Select the end time for each division. Tadaa! Don't forget to save your edits from the top. :)
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