Tips for Improving Lead Conversion:
To enhance your lead conversion rates, consider these four crucial questions:
- How are you reaching out to leads? (Email, phone, or text)
- What are you saying to those leads? (Are you building a relationship or giving a sales pitch?)
- How many times are you reaching out and following up with a lead?
- How long are you waiting before you reach out to a lead?
Compare all of the answers to the Harvard Study on how to convert leads. Not sure how to claim a lead? Click here.
We've conducted a Leads Case Study specifically for our system. You can check out the results as they're updated in real time here.
Below are some best practices to help you convert your leads to clients:
- Best days to contact a contact? Wednesday and Thursday. You have a 49% greater chance of reaching someone on a Thursday than you do on a Tuesday
- Best times of the day to contact a contact? Between 4 - 5 p.m. The second best time is between 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. This would obviously be in their time zone. So if you are living in California and trying to contact a lead in Ohio then plan accordingly. Fun fact, you have a 164% greater chance of reaching someone if you call them between 4 - 5 p.m. than if you called them between 1 - 2 p.m.
- Best time to respond to a contact? Within five minutes of receiving the notification. There is a 400% decrease in odds of qualifying a new prospect if you wait 10 minutes to contact them instead of five minutes. This is why we offer you the option to get notified immediately when prospects come into our system. You can adjust your notification frequency on your profile. Click here to see how.
- How many calls will it take to contact a lead? At least six. The average call attempts by your competition is one. Roughly 3% of businesses contact a lead six times. So, if you just call a few more times you can increase your contact ratio by up to 70%. There is no traffic jam when you go the extra mile. Think about how many times my sales team had to contact you before you took their call? It’s no different with your potential clients. Oh, and another fun fact, over 30% of leads are never contacted at all.
A few things to keep in mind…
- These statistics are based on actually picking up the phone and calling the lead. We suggest texting the contact first. It’s easier and you can have a scripted message.
- You might think that this is a lot of work. It is. But, if success was easy, everyone would be successful. If you want to sell your services, you have got to go through the numbers. If you’re willing to do the work, the results will come. Promise.
Diversify Your Outreach: Evaluate the channels through which you connect with leads, such as email, phone calls, or text messages. Diversifying your communication channels can reach a broader audience and increase engagement.
Optimize Follow-Up Frequency: Find the right balance in your follow-up strategy. Avoid overwhelming leads with too many messages, as it may deter them. On the other hand, don't be too infrequent, as you risk losing their interest. Understand your target audience and adjust your follow-up frequency accordingly.
Timely Responses Matter: Time is of the essence in lead conversion. Be proactive in reaching out to new leads promptly. Waiting too long before connecting can result in missed opportunities, as other competitors might reach them first.
Suggested Scripts
Focus on building relationships rather than just delivering a sales pitch. Tailor your messages to address the specific needs and pain points of your leads.
We suggest starting off with the below script regardless of whether you’re calling, emailing, or texting. The purpose of the first contact is just to get them to respond, not to sell your services.
Option 1: Hi [their first name]! Pageant Planet told me you are looking for [i.e. a pageant to compete in, a coach to help you prepare for your pageant, someone to help you find the perfect pageant wardrobe, new headshots]. Have you found a [i.e. pageant, coach, photographer] yet?
Option 2 (Directors Only): Hi [their first name]! This is [your name], from [your pageant name]. 😊 I saw on Pageant Planet that you are looking for a pageant to compete in. Have you competed before?
Follow up text (Directors Only): Hi [their first name]! This is [your name], from [your pageant name]. I wasn’t sure if you saw my last text but I was hoping to chat with you about what got you interested in competing.
Click here if you're not sure how to claim a lead.
Value of Leads for Directors
The below illustration is if a pageant received on average 200 leads per month and had an entry fee of $300. Please note that this does not include other revenue generators for the director, such as People’s Choice, Optional Competitions and contestants competing again.
Below the light blue column represents the Entry Fee Revenue and the Dark Blue Column Represents the cost of the leads. Please note, we are not guaranteeing these results. We are merely showing what could be possible.
- 1% Conversion Rate (2 new contestants per month): $1,600 / month
- 2 new contestants at $300 entry fee = $600
- 200 leads per month at $5/lead = $1,000
- 5% Conversion Rate (10 new contestants per month): $4,000 / month
- 10 new contestants at $300 entry fee = $3,000
- 200 leads per month at $5/lead = $1,000
- 10% Conversion Rate (20 new contestants per month): $7,000 / month
- 20 new contestants per month at $300 entry fee = $6,000
- 200 leads per month at $5/lead = $1,000
- 15% Conversion Rate (30 new contestants per month): $10,000 / month
- 30 new contestants per month at $300 entry fee = $9,000
- 200 leads per month at $5/lead = $1,000
Also, it’s important to note that though the graph below is showing leads at $5/lead buy you can get them for $4/lead if you choose to buy a set amount monthly. Login to your account and click on your "Potential Contestants" section and click "upgrade the plan" to see how to get the 20% discount.
Value of Leads for Experts (i.e. photographers, trainers, coaches)
The below illustration is if an expert receives on average 200 leads per month and the total lifetime value of each client is $300.
Below the light blue column represents the Entry Fee Revenue and the Dark Blue Column Represents the cost of the leads. Please note, we are not guaranteeing these results. We are merely showing what could be possible.
- 1% Conversion Rate (2 new contestants per month): $1,600 / month
- 2 new contestants at $300 entry fee = $600
- 200 leads per month at $5/lead = $1,000
- 5% Conversion Rate (10 new contestants per month): $4,000 / month
- 10 new contestants at $300 entry fee = $3,000
- 200 leads per month at $5/lead = $1,000
- 10% Conversion Rate (20 new contestants per month): $7,000 / month
- 20 new contestants per month at $300 entry fee = $6,000
- 200 leads per month at $5/lead = $1,000
- 15% Conversion Rate (30 new contestants per month): $10,000 / month
- 30 new contestants per month at $300 entry fee = $9,000
- 200 leads per month at $5/lead = $1,000
Also, it’s important to note that though the graph below is showing leads at $5/lead buy you can get them for $4/lead if you choose to buy a set amount monthly. Login to your account and click on your "Potential Clients" section and click "upgrade the plan" to see how to get the 20% discount.
How do I get more leads?
To start getting more leads, login to your profile.
If you own a pageant...
You can change the criteria of your pageant to increase the amount of leads you receive. An an example of why a director might not be getting a lot of leads is shown below.
Ex. The issue is that the director selected "has kids" as a criteria for competing. This means that only non-married women who live in Puerto Rico, United States or Virgin Islands who have kids and who are between the ages of 13-29 can compete in her pageant.
This director should have selected "Both" so that women with and without kids can compete in her pageant. When this switch was made the director went from having no leads to over 1,300 leads.
If you are a director who is actively claiming leads, send the pageant name and how many leads you are currently receiving to with the Subject Line: More Leads. We will look into increasing our targeting in that area to get you better results.
If you own a business...
From the "Edit Profile" screen, scroll down to the bottom where it says "Where do you want to receive leads from." Here's a step-by-step guide if you need help.
If both country and state fields are blank, the business will not receive any leads.
By selecting "United States," leads will come in from all over the U.S.
If "United States" + "State" (i.e. United States + Maine) is selected, then leads will only come in the state(s) that you selected (i.e. Maine)
Click on Submit to save all changes.
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