To have contestants show up in ABC order for judges on Scoresheet based on the title of the contestant rather than their name.
Key Steps
Navigate to the contestant management phase in the active event.
Click on Contestant Management and then select "add contestant" or "edit."
Select the age division.
Input the title for every contestant.
Ensure that a title is added for each contestant in every age division.
Click save and then click close.
Cautionary Notes
Make sure to input a title for every contestant to ensure the process works correctly.
Failure to add a title for any contestant in any age division will disrupt the ABC order organization.
Tips for Efficiency
Add titles for all contestants in each age division before saving to avoid missing any.
Double-check that all contestants have titles to prevent any errors in the organization process.
Remember that while contestants will still show up in ABC order based on their first name on the event page and on your dashboard, your judges will see them in ABC order on Scoresheet.
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